A DUI conviction (the same thing in our state) in Virginia can deeply impact various areas of your life. From immediate legal penalties to long-term consequences, it is important to understand how such a conviction could affect your future. Immediate penalties Right...
Month: September 2024
Do I need to be nice to my ex for favorable child custody?
Navigating child custody in Virginia can be challenging, especially when the soon-to-be ex-spouses are fighting. As such, one question that often arises is whether being amicable with your ex-spouse can influence the outcome. The short answer is likely, yes. How you...
Is spousal support different for wealthy divorcees in Virginia?
Going through a divorce is hard for everyone, but it can be particularly challenging for high-asset individuals. This becomes especially true when it comes to spousal support, also known as alimony. In Virginia, while the principles guiding spousal support remain...
Do I need a CPA or some kind of auditor in my divorce?
In a traditional divorce where the largest asset is the family home and neither spouse is high net worth, the only experts filers usually need is their attorneys. However, navigating a high-asset divorce in Virginia often requires much more expertise because of the...
How protective orders affect fault-based divorce cases
Protective orders do more than keep abuse survivors safe – they can also make a big difference in fault-based divorce cases. If you're planning to end your marriage, here’s how these orders can affect your case: Protective orders as evidence In a fault-based divorce,...
Understanding Virginia’s marijuana laws
Marijuana laws have changed quite a bit over the last few years in many states, including Virginia. In 2021, it became legal in Virgnia for adults over the age of 21 to possess up to one ounce of marijuana in any public place or in their private residence....
A post-nuptial agreement can protect you in a high-asset divorce
Many Virginia couples start a marriage with little in the way of assets. As time goes on, assets generally start to accumulate with increases in income and career growth. This means that if you decide to divorce, you might find you have a high-asset divorce. This is...
Who gets the vacation home and other real estate in divorce?
Vacation homes and real estate properties often hold a special place in a couple's heart. They represent years of memories and significant financial investment. So, when a marriage dissolves, deciding who retains these assets can be one of the most contentious issues....
Poor driving isn’t necessary for a drunk driving charge
Many people assume that they know when they are too drunk to drive and that they can spot a drunk driver in traffic. In reality, quite a few people accused of impaired driving may have thought they were sober enough to get home safely. Their driving may seem normal to...
Was the field sobriety test leading to your DWI valid?
Law enforcement commonly use field sobriety tests to determine if a driver is impaired. These tests usually involve tasks that assess balance, coordination and the ability of the driver to divide attention between multiple tasks. However, there are some instances when...