Experienced And Effective Criminal Defense Representation
Facing criminal charges is an emotionally draining and stressful experience. With so much at stake, it is critical that your attorney defend your case with an unflinching determination that you can count on. Schmergel & Mersberger, PLC, offers our clients the aggressive representation needed to ensure the defense of their rights. Criminal defense cases we fight include felonies and misdemeanors, such as:
- Assault charges (felony and misdemeanors)
- Domestic violence related charges
- Burglary and theft
- Credit card fraud, money laundering, and embezzlement
- Federal crimes
- Domestic abuse
- Homicide
- Kidnapping and abduction
- Strangulation
- Traffic violations
- Driving while intoxicated (DWI)
- Driving on Suspended
- Reckless Driving
- Speeding and other traffic infractions
- Weapons charges and drug crimes
- Naturalization fraud
Our Alexandria-based firm fights zealously on behalf of our clients for the best possible outcome in every case.
Comprehensive Legal Services
We offer legal consultation and services for a wide variety of areas throughout the legal process so you can exercise your rights in matters including but not limited to:
- Search and seizure
- Fifth Amendment assertions
- Civil Protective Orders (On behalf of Petitioners & Respondents)
- Criminal appeals
- Probation violations and Motions to Reconsider
- Post-conviction remedies
We use current legal best practices to provide strong cost-effective legal defense services. Our attorneys are with you from start to finish of your case.
Fearless And Passionate Representation
With each charge comes potential negative consequences and penalties that include a record of conviction, jail time, court costs and fines and probation. We know that the outcome of each court appearance, hearing or criminal trial can drastically impact a client’s life. Because of the serious nature of criminal cases, it is imperative that you work with legal representation that is you know is working in your best interest and knows your side of the case because your attorney has listened to your side of the case and asked the right questions.
Do Yourself A Favor And Contact Schmergel & Mersberger, PLC Today
To prove any crime, no matter how serious, the prosecutor must prove that the accused committed each and every element of a crime beyond a reasonable doubt. If you have been charged with a crime in northern Virginia, it is essential to obtain an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. Call our firm at 703-763-2645 or reach us online to set up an initial consultation.