Protect Your Driving Record
You may think that traffic violations are minor infractions, but they can add up if you fail to protect your driving record any time you receive a citation or traffic-related charge. Moving violations and speeding tickets can potentially result in license suspension and increase your auto insurance costs. Working with an experienced traffic defense attorney can make a critical difference in the outcome of your traffic violation case. The law firm of Schmergel & Mersberger, PLC, can help you avoid:
- DMV demerit points
- A traffic conviction record on your driver’s history transcript
- Insurance increases
Be sure to consult with us before you prepay any tickets or make any court appearances. If you have improper or expired plates, or you are driving without insurance or a valid license, securing the most desirable outcome for your traffic violation case can be more complicated than it may seem on the surface. With the possibility of up to 12 months in jail for some moving violation charges and/or the suspension of driver’s license, it is essential to choose a lawyer experienced with representing clients charged with moving violations such as:
- Speeding, reckless driving or running a red light
- Improper passing, turn or lane change
- Failure to obey a highway sign, to yield or move over
- Failure to stop for a school bus or emergency vehicle
- Hit and run
- Eluding
- Driving on a Suspended/Revoked License
- Driving outside of a Restricted License
Personalized and experienced service from an attorney throughout your case gives you the edge you want to fight the charges that can affect your record and freedom.
Complete DUI/DWI Defense
DUI and DWI charges are among the more severe traffic offenses that may include a fine up to $2,500 and up to a year in jail as well as a loss of driving privileges. Possible penalties for a conviction include:
- Completion of ASAP (substance abuse screening and potential treatment and/or education classes) Enrollment in ASAP currently costs $400.00 unless that fee is waived by the judge because you are determined to be indigent.
- Court costs and fines
- Suspension of driver’s license
- Accumulation of demerit point against your driver’s license
- Enhanced auto insurance coverage limits
We will candidly guide you through the options for a thoughtful resolution of your case based upon your individualized circumstances and then fight zealously on your behalf after developing a reasoned strategy.
Contact Schmergel & Mersberger, PLC Today
If you are charged with a traffic violation, do not hesitate to contact our firm at 703-763-2645 or online to set up an initial consultation about your case.